Just 10%

body scan2

I am no stranger to uncertainty.

While I’m great at approaching uncertainty on a cerebral level (turning everything over in my head again and again with no real resolution), I resist opening my heart to the possibility of hurt, pain and disappointment.

Isn’t it funny how we anticipate the negative? What if we expected miracles?

What if instead of reacting in our typical way, we could respond with love–with a wide open heart?

Doesn’t it feel good to feel open?

Lately when I find myself constricting around a problem, I encourage myself by affirming, “What would it look like if I opened my heart just 10% more?”

I imagine myself interacting with the person or situation and my whole countenance softening. I let go of my thoughts and focus on my breath, imagining it flowing into and out of my heart center.

My body relaxes, my breath slows, and my Spirit can then flow through the newly created space.

And from this still space, the answers come.

Not loudly, but surely.

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